Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Un cafè? Un tè? Un me?

March 7, 2012

Hooray! I was able to Skype with M.E. today :).  It is raining here in Ortigia which means that our internet is absolute crap, so I went to the school to 'pilfer' the internet.  Franca was going to close the school at 1700 so she could take one of the girls who had her stuff stolen to get a new camera.  So I called M.E. to wake her up!  Man am I a mean person... haha.  It was so great to talk to her about Ortigia, Tunisia, and our birthdays.  Hahaha (I kept all the juicy details out of the blog... and probably won't reveal them to anyone reading this, but who knows.)  Franca brought Jen (stolen camera), Cait and I to a media store in Siracusa.  Then she took us to her sister Palmina's apartment for a bit of tea.  Together they are absolutely hilarious, making small jokes at one another, but all out of love.  I absolutely love observing the actions of twins, because their bond is so much more special than anyone who is a singleton could ever imagine.  While Palmina made the tea we conversed with each other about where we were coming from and my disgusting cough.  Palmina said that she gets sick like that too, to which Franca responded with a witty remark.  Cait and I helped Franca and Palmina with the pronunciation of certain words, like the difference between sheet and sh*t, and three and tree.  Even though the visit was short, it was very fun and a nice break from doing nothing.

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